Saturday 19 November 2011

Egyption best bodybuilder ''CAPTAIN M. SALAMA''

 Egyption best bodybuilder ''CAPTAIN M. SALAMA''
 Egyption best bodybuilder ''CAPTAIN M. SALAMA''
Egyption best bodybuilder ''CAPTAIN M. SALAMA''

Friday 18 November 2011

Team smartshake photo shoot before the show

 Team smartshake photo shoot before the show
Team smartshake photo shoot before the show

Jen Rankin and Sean Royer with team THE GYM

 Jen Rankin and Sean Royer with team THE GYM
 Jen Rankin and Sean Royer with team THE GYM
Jen Rankin and Sean Royer with team THE GYM

Arnold Schwarzenegger

 Arnold Schwarzenegger 
 Arnold Schwarzenegger 
Arnold Schwarzenegger 

Arnold Schwarzenegger GOLDEN DAYS

 Arnold Schwarzenegger GOLDEN DAYS
 Arnold Schwarzenegger GOLDEN DAYS
Arnold Schwarzenegger GOLDEN DAYS

The Best picture ever seen all heroes in one!

The Best picture ever seen all heroes in one!

Members of Gold's Gym in California

 Members of Gold's Gym in California
 Members of Gold's Gym in California
Members of Gold's Gym in California

Arnold heads for venice beach after workout in1980

 Arnold heads for venice beach after workout in1980
 Arnold heads for venice beach after workout in1980
Arnold heads for venice beach after workout in1980

Arnold Schwarzenegger - THE LEGEND

 Arnold Schwarzenegger - THE LEGEND
 Arnold Schwarzenegger - THE LEGEND
Arnold Schwarzenegger - THE LEGEND

Monday 14 November 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Wondering how the Arnold Schwarzenegger bodybuilding workout works? End the speculation and practice them yourself! The exact bodybuilding exercises done by the all-star politician celebrity is right here. Evidently, the actual routines followed by the bodybuilding star and politician are not anymore secrets left untold.
 arnie8 Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout | The Exact Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding Secrets
Bodybuilding is an art and a sport, as well as a discipline that needs to be mastered in order to maintain a good physique. The Arnold Schwarzenegger’s workout is a definite technique that has been proven effective by Arnold himself. A simple look at the governor’s remarkably built figure is enough proof that the awesome and unique workout is worth trying.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout | How He Became Mr Olympia 7 times

Arnold Schwarzenegger is an epitome of remarkable and effective bodybuilding workouts. His biography tells us that his career in bodybuilding began several years back when he was as young as fifteen. Eight years after, at the age of twenty three, Arnold won his first Mr. Olympia award in New York and eventually became Mr. Olympia six more times until 1980. For a lot of people, Schwarzenegger’s workout has been a wonder and a spectacle, a secret that needs to be revealed for the benefit of improving their usual bodybuilding exercises.
 Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout | How He Became Mr Olympia 7 times
Apparently, the Arnold Schwarzenegger workout is not an undisclosed matter; and those who wish to know how he became Mr. Olympia 7 times, always have the choice of practicing the same bodybuilding workouts if they ever dream of getting the same title, end up as a celebrity and probably enter politics with the Arnold Schwarzenegger bodybuilding techniques as their memorable beginning. Furthermore, this same workout exercise has earned him not only his Mr. Olympia trophies, but twelve other awards as well which were based on his excellently built physique.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout

Of The Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout 

Aside from his epic bodybuilding techniques, it is certain that a good bodybuilding diet was in connivance with his physical workouts. According to his life story, Arnold Schwarzenegger began weight training when he was fourteen years old and experienced how hard it was to put all the weight on his body. He then came to appreciate the importance of training not only your body but your mind as well—something which is not known to all bodybuilders. He began inculcating the power of the mind with the power of the body. He realized that he needed to know how to have his mind over his body to be capable of lifting heavy weights anyone could have imagined. He was a determined young man, and at the age of seventeen, he began joining contests but was arrested for being under aged. Nonetheless, Arnold continued his bodybuilding career until he was able togather several awards and was recognized for his renowned bodybuilding program.

172497 Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout | How He Became Mr Olympia 7 times

On the whole, the Arnold Schwarzenegger workout is done on an Monday-Wednesday-Friday and Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday routine. The first routine is comprised of chest workouts, back workouts, followed by thighs workouts, calves workouts and then abs workouts. The second routine is composed of shoulders workouts, biceps workouts, triceps workouts, forearms workouts, calves workouts and ended by abdominal workouts. Of course, he would not be what he is today if he included Sundays to his training days. Obviously, a day of rest was part of the whole routine.

The 7 times Mr Olympia rountine also includes the special diet, which, surprisingly, did not advise lowering calorie intake. According to the bodybuilding star himself, the best way to build muscles in your body is to eat enough healthy and nutritious food. Taking down your calorie intake will only decelerate your metabolism, which will in turn make it more difficult to build muscles instead of fat. For the Arnold Schwarzenegger the way to treat calories is to have a staggered change of amount to be taken—some days would mean high-calorie meals, while some should have low-calorie meals.



Nonetheless, Arnold continued his bodybuilding

Nonetheless, Arnold continued his bodybuilding

the Great Arnold